I’ve just launched . For those interested, is now available to read. If you want to receive an e-mail notice whenever I put up something new, go to the new site and click on the "Subscribe" button on the right side of the page. If you subscribe, I’ll send you 10 free devotionals—one devotional a day for 10 days—from the book I’m currently writing about the In-Christ Life. That will be my free gift to you. I hope you’ll take a look at the site.
Perhaps you’re like me. Before I read a book, I want to know something about the author. Before I listen to a sermon, I’m aided by learning a bit about the preacher’s background. If I plan to spend a whole semester languishing in a classroom, I hope the teacher will tell me something about himself or herself before we get into the course content. So let me introduce myself and this new blog, with hopes that you’ll want to read more in the future.
Who am I?
I’m a lover of Christ first and foremost. Husband of Trudi and father of four precious daughters. Professor at Talbot School of Theology, şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ (Southern California). Member at and servant of a Christian community, Redemption Hill Church. Founder of Bible Fluency: Sing it, See it, Study it. Book author. And a blogger too …
Am I new to blogging?
No. I’ve been writing blog posts at The Good Book Blog for the past seven years, posting more than 130 times at that excellent blog. My intention is to continue blogging at The Good Book Blog even while connecting with you here.
How often will I post?
I plan to post no less than every other week.
Why read Kindle Afresh?
My prayer is that the words I write will ignite and strengthen your faith. The title of the blog, Kindle Afresh, comes from Paul’s words to Timothy: “I remind you to kindle afresh the gracious gift of God in you” (2 Timothy 1:6). I deeply desire that God will use my words to fan into flame the good work that God has already started in you.
Blogging in light of eternity…
God gripped my heart with the length of eternity and the brevity of life when I was 14 years old. I never got over that. I don’t blog as a hobby. The main reason I write isn’t enjoyment, even though I like writing. I write because I am driven by the love of Christ to assist others to learn the Word of God and go deeper in their walks with Christ by his Spirit. Life is short; I want to spend it well. Anything I can do to help you grow as a Christian is time well spent.
Who am I writing for?
This blog is for former students and wanna-be students. Writing here allows me to continue serving my students even when they aren’t in class anymore—as well as anyone else who wishes they could have taken a class or two with me. Former students are the ones I have in my minds-eye when I write.
What specifically will I write about?
I’ll write about the Bible, theology, culture, church life, history, missions, and apologetics—whatever I can envision that will encourage you in your faith and help you live a committed and passionate Christian life.
Let me know if there is anything I can do at this blog and website that will help you know Christ and his Word better. If something I’ve written has helped you, I’d love to hear from you.
A prayer for you
“Lord, I pray for those reading these words right now. I ask you to strengthen their hearts and guide them into a passionate, deep, and faithful life empowered by your Spirit. Renovate their minds, reshape their priorities, and release them to impact the world. I ask you to use my words to help them. In the name of Jesus your Son, Amen.”