Do you like the idea of Advent candles, but you are confused about how to approach this family time?

One of the biggest difficulties in our home through the years has been to find an advent candle reading plan that fit our family. We bought many books, searched websites, and listened to the ideas of others. Eventually, I made my own. I think that the following is a compilation of many resources, but it is what we have used to celebrate advent through the years. It is good for young and old alike, and I believe that it crystallizes the advent story.

We put four similarly colored candles in our advent wreath with a white candle, the Jesus candle, in the middle. It was too confusing as we read the many different explanations for the colors of the candles. We keep it simple. The important aspect to us is the “light.”

I trust it might be helpful to you this advent season.

Candle #1

  • Explanation of the candle:
    • The first candle is the “Light of Hope,” the hope given through the prophets.
  • Light the candle
  • Commentary:
    • When God created everything in the world, he saw that it was “very good.” But then, evil entered the picture with the fall from grace in the Garden of Eden.Humanity was separated from God and began walking in darkness. But a promise was given that one day a Savior, the Messiah, would come to restore humanity’s relationship to God. This brought hope. This hope is a focus throughout the Old Testament, which is full of prophecies pointing to this Messiah.
  • Scripture Reading:
    • Choose one of the following passages and read it: Isaiah 9:1-7, Micah 5:2-5a, Luke 1:26-38
  • Close in prayer

Candle #2

  • Provide the following explanation of the candle:
    • The second candle is a symbol of the light and warmth of the stable where the Christ child was born — the fulfillment of prophecy.
  • Light the candle
  • Read this commentary:
    • With prophecies of a coming Messiah, Israel anticipated the birth of the one who would restore justice and righteousness to the nation. As God’s plan unfolded, Joseph and Mary were chosen to be the parents, and they awaited his birth. Then, in the peaceful calm of the stable, Jesus was born and placed in a manger. The hope of the prophets was fulfilled.
  • Scripture Reading:
    • Choose one of the following passages and read it: Matt 1:18-25a, Luke 2:1-7
  • Close in prayer

Candle #3

  • Explanation of the candle:
    • The third candle is a symbol of the great light which surrounded the shepherds when they received the angelic announcement of Christ’s birth.
  • Light the candle
  • Commentary:
    • The birth of Jesus was good news!! It was not intended to be kept a secret, but instead it was to be “good news of great joy” “for all people.”The first announcement did not go to important leaders in the land. No, shepherds watching their flocks were the ones chosen to hear the angelic announcement. It was from this group that the good news began to spread, good news of a Savior. It is news that we are to continue spreading — the birth of Immanuel, “God with us.”
  • Scripture Reading:
    • Read the following passage: Luke 2:8-20, 25-38
  • Close in prayer

Candle #4

  • Explanation of the candle:
    • The fourth candle is a symbol of the light of the star that the wise men followed to come and worship Jesus.
  • Light the candle
  • Commentary:
    • Although just a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, this was no ordinary baby. This baby was a King — the King of Kings, the Eternal God made flesh, the Creator of the Universe. As the Creator, this baby was worthy of the worship of his creation.And so, wise men journeyed from afar to bring this child the worship due his name. They brought him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They bowed before him in humble adoration — a response we need to still have today. We worship him as our King.
  • Scripture Reading:
    • Choose one of the following passages and read it: Matt 2:1-12, Philippians 2:5-11
  • Close in prayer

Candle #5

  • Explanation of the candle:
    • The fifth candle is the candle of Jesus, the “Light of the World,” whose birth we celebrate, the one to whom all the candles point.
  • Light the candle
  • Commentary:
    • The hope of the prophets. The warmth of the stable. The angelic announcement to the shepherds. The visit of the wise men. The focus of all these events is the birth of baby Jesus, Immanuel, “God with us.” Such a small baby as he lay in a manger, but this was the Promised One who would bring redemption, redemption from that first sin in the Garden of Eden to any sin in your life right now.This little baby was born to die, to conquer death, to reign forever as King of Kings, to one day restore complete peace and holiness to the entire creation. This evening we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus.
  • Scripture Reading:
    • Read the following passage: Luke 1:68-69
  • Close in prayer