Every year, the week before Thanksgiving brings the annual scholarly conferences for biblical and theological studies. Like most years, Biola and Talbot professors and students are well represented at these meetings in a variety of ways. Given the theological distinctives of Biola, the focus of the attention goes to the Evangelical Theological Society meeting. In particular, Scott Rae, Talbot’s dean of faculty, is serving as the President of ETS this year.

However, those connected to Biola also appear in several concurrent conferences, including the Institute for Biblical Research, the Society of Biblical Research, the Academy of American Religion, and the American Schools of Oriental Research. The following list (mostly compiled by David Roberts) includes all those at Biola and Talbot participating in the meetings this year. As always, Biola professors and students are doing fascinating work in many different areas!

Evangelical Theological Society

Tuesday, November 17

Clay Jones - Earthly Family Is Foremost an Analogy of Heavenly Relationships

Ronald W. Pierce: Moderator – Old Testament - Job

Greg Peters - 1 Corinthians 7:36-38 and the Limits of Asceticism in the Early Christian Church

Kyle C. Strobel - Scripture and Spiritual Disciplines

Jon Garcia - A Covenantal Approach to Immigration: Caring for the Undocumented Immigrant as an Image Bearer of God

Greg Peters: Moderator - The Right Preaching of the Word

R Scott Smith - Updates on McLaren and the Emergents: God and the “New Kind” of Christianity

John McKinley - Necessary Allies: God as ezer, Woman as ezer

John H. Coe - Spiritual Theology and Training in Prayer for the Classroom and the Church

Judy Ten Elshof - The Theory and Practice of Relational Formation in the Church

Freddy Cardoza - The Quest for an Academic Position: Best-Fit Analysis, Search Tools and Strategies

Freddy Cardoza - Academic Cover Letters and References: From "Bland" to "Grand"

Wednesday, November 18

Doug Geivett/ Erik Thoennes: Panel Discussion - What Can C.S. Lewis Teach Us About Thriving Spiritually in a Dysfunctional Family

John H. Coe: Moderator - Spiritual Formation: Theory and Truth

Fred Sanders - Arminianism without Sectarianism: William Burt Pope's 19th Century Reception of Arminius

Craig Allen Hill - The Imagery of Inheritance in Hebrews

Charlie Trimm – Honor Your Parents: A Command for Adults Rather Than Children

Jason McMartin The Noetic Effects of Sin, False Selves, and Theological Vocations

Benjamin Cho Shin: Moderator – Asian American Theology

Daniel Low/Allen Yee - Jesus Visits the Cemetery: Toward a Christian Response to Traditional Chinese Death Rituals

Sara Kim/Grace Sangalang - The Functional Theologies of the Fatherhood of God in First and Second Generation Asian Immigrants

Benjamin Cho Shin - Relying on the Family of God: How Biblical Family Metaphors Can Encourage Singles in the Asian Church

Michelle Lee-Barnewall - Reframing the Gender Debate: Rethinking Servant Leadership and Equality from a Corporate Perspective

Kyle C. Strobel - Jonathan Edwards on Divine Beatitude

Fred Sanders - Trinity and Soteriology

John H. Coe: Moderator - Spiritual Formation, Prayer & Religious Experience

R Scott Smith - Beyond Craig: Nominalism and the Indeterminacy of Creation

John H. Coe - Anger, Prayer and Psalms of Disorientation

Gary T. Manning Jr.: Moderator - Johannine Literature II

Daniel K. Eng - The Antioch Assumption: The Interaction of Jew and Gentile Believers in Antioch and its Relevancy for Today's Local Church

Thursday, November 19

John A. Bloom - Genesis, Ancient Near Eastern parallels, and Consensus Science: Navigating a Lost World

Ed Curtis: Panel Discussion - Using and Misusing the OT Wisdom Books for Marriage and Family Issues

Klaus Issler - Incidental or Deliberate? Exploring the Inclusion of ‘Bankers’ and ‘Interest’ in Jesus’ Parables of the Talents and Minas (Matt 25:27, Luke 19:23) within the context of Financial Intermediaries of the Greco-Roman Era and the Historical Debate on Usury

Ryan S. Peterson - A Modified Thomistic Account of the Purpose of Sex: Sex is for the Establishment of a Family

Sean McDowell - Responding to Revisionist Talking Points about Homosexuality and Marriage

Institute for Biblical Research

Friday, November 20

Darian Lockett – Presiding at the Biblical Theology, Hermeneutics, and the Theological Disciplines Research Group

American Schools of Oriental Research

Friday, November 20

Titus Kennedy – Middle and Late Bronze Age Material in the Area of Khirbet et-Tell?

Society of Biblical Literature

Saturday, November 21

Clint Arnold - Initiation, Vision, and Spiritual Power: The Hellenistic Dimensions of the Problem at Colossae

American Academy of Religion

Saturday, November 21

Doug Geivett – Presiding at a session of the Society of Christian Philosophers entitled “The Testimony of the Spirit”

Monday, November 23

Fred Sanders – Panelist on Responding to Matthew Avery Sutton’sAmerican Apocalypse: A History of Modern Evangelicalism(Belknap Press, 2014)