Talbot faculty members share some of their picks for the best books released in 2012. Read about their recommendedations here, listed in alphabetical order:

Acts: An Exegetical Commentary (Vol. 1: Introduction and 1:1-2:47), by Craig S. Keener (Baker): Keener's 1038 pages falls short of the 1162 pages of Schnabel's new volume on Acts, but look at Keener's title: this first volume covers only the introductory material and first two chapters of Acts! This will certainly be a gigantic project on the Book of Acts. -Doug Huffman

Acts: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, by Eckhard J. Schnabel (Zondervan). This is one of the latest contributions to the growing ZECNT library and weighs in at 1162 pages. I love the extensive use of diagramming in the ZECNT series (every passage!). Other new ZECNT volumes in 2012: David W. Pao on Colossians & Philemon and Gary S. Shogren on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. -Doug Huffman

The Aleppo Codex: A True Story of Obsession, Faith, and the Pursuit of an Ancient Bible, by Matti Friedman (Algonquin Books): This is a thrilling story of how the greatest Masoretic Hebrew Bible (10th century) was produced and what has happened to it over the centuries. It’s not just about a manuscript. It’s about the Nazis and the Jews and the Arabs and the birth of the state of Israel. -Tom Finley

Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views, edited by Stanley E. Porter & Beth M. Stovell (InterVarsity): With contributions from Craig Blomberg, Richard Gaffin, F. Scott Spencer, Robert Wall, and Merold Westphal, this promises to be a helpful engagement on the important question of how to properly approach the Bible. -Doug Huffman

Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books, by Michael J. Kruger (Crossway): I have never before read a book I could comfortably recommend on the development and authority of the New Testament canon. Finally...one I can heartily recommend! -Ken Berding

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible, by James C. VanderKam (Eerdmans): This paperback book gives authoritative and up-to-date information on the scrolls and their relationship to the Bible. VanderKam is an expert on second temple Jewish literature. -Tom Finley

Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey by Randy Reese and Robert Loane (IVP): Great integration of spiritual formation literature, leadership studies, and philosophy of education in service of an in-depth understanding of how mentoring actually works. -Steve Porter

Deuteronomy by Block, D. I. (Zondervan): I have been anticipating this NIVAC commentary for a long time since Block’s previous commentaries (on Ezekiel and Judges/Ruth) are such monumental achievements. Although my expectations were very high, Block exceeded them. -Ken Way

Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets, edited by Mark Boda and J. G. McConville (InterVarsity Press): This volume completes the esteemed DOT, “Black Dictionary,” series by IVP. It offers a range of very helpful articles by an impressive lineup of scholars. This resource should be in every Bible student’s library. -Ken Way

Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture, edited by James Hoffmeier and Dennis Magary (Crossway): Edited by two Old Testament profs from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, this volume offers a necessary conservative response to those who would minimize the role of history in biblical studies. What is most impressive to me about this collection is the breadth of disciplines that are brought to bear on the subject. -Ken Way

God Is Impassible and Impassioned: Toward a Theology of Divine Emotion, by Rob Lister (Crossway): Lister offers a biblically balanced understanding of God’s emotional life so that his sovereign majesty and covenant intimacy are preserved. The implications of this study for understanding God, humanity, Christ, relationships, and emotions in general, are far-reaching and vital. I pray that the conclusions and theological method of this excellent work are deeply and widely influential for the glory of God. -Erik Thoennes

The Gospel According to Moses: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Book of Deuteronomy, by Daniel Block (Cascade): This is Block’s second collection of recent essays on Deuteronomy (the first was published last year as How I Love Your Torah, O Lord). It basically provides the scholarly backstory to his new NIVAC commentary. -Ken Way

How Then Should we Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work, by Hugh Whelchel, (Thomas Nelson): Hugh is the executive director for the Institute of Faith, Work, and Economics, in Washington, DC -Klaus Issler

Inerrancy and Worldview, by Vern Poythress (Crossway): To our shame, the response of Christians to challenges to our faith can often be dismissive, shallow, defensive, or disrespectful. On the other hand, we can err too much on the side of tolerance for error when truth is under siege. In Inerrancy and Worldview, Vern Poythress shows us how to be neither fools nor cowards. -Erik Thoennes

Job by John Walton (Zondervan): This NIVAC is the fruit of many years of research into the ancient Near Eastern world of Job. Walton’s readings are fresh and provocative, as usual, and it is a model example of what the NIVAC series is all about—bridging the contexts of original meaning and contemporary significance. -Ken Way

The Kingdom of God, edited by Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson (Crossway): A survey of this important concept relation to various sections of the Bible and certain theological topics, by various scholars, including, Bruce Waltke, Robert Yarborough, and our own dean, Clint Arnold. -Klaus Issler

The Land Cries Out: Theology of the Land in the Israel-Palestine Conflict Salim, edited by J. Munayer and Lisa Loden (Cascade): Is there a valid theological argument for Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories at this time? Or, did the OT emphasis on the Land end with the coming of Jesus — perhaps to be renewed after his return? With fairness and sensitivity, this balanced and well reasoned collection of essays by Jewish and Arabic, Israeli and Palestinian believers in Jesus represents their widely divergent views, which too often divide the church and hinder its witness for Christ in the midst of the Israel-Palestine conflict. -Ron Pierce

A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology, by Kelly M. Kapic (InterVarsity): This little book is self-consciously written in the spirit of Helmut Thielicke’s A Little Exercise for Young Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology (1962). It is an excellent call for biblical studies students to exercise humility and faithful reason in Christian community. -Doug Huffman

The Man Christ Jesus: Theological Reflections on the Humanity of Christ, by Bruce Ware, (Crossway) A smallishbook (151 pp) but weighty with wonderful meditations about the life of Christ. A wonderful focus on the humanity of Christ, and it's theological and practical implications. He also holds the view that Jesus lived his human life mainly relying on the Spirit of God. - Klaus Issler

The New Subordinationism? Perspectives on the Equality of God the Father and God the Son, edited by Dennis W. Jowers and H. Wayne House, (Pickwick): For decades evangelical Egalitarians and Complementarians have accused each other of heresy regarding the relationship between the Father and Son because of their differing interpretations of the metaphor of "head" in NT texts like 1 Cor. 11:3. This balanced and well reasoned collection of academic essays from across the gender-debate spectrum examines the recent charge of a modern form of Arian subordinationism brought against several leading voices in the complementarian movement. -Ron Pierce

Paul and Union with Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study, by Constantine R. Campbell (Zondervan): The best book I have ever read on the Apostle Paul's theme of "In-Christ-ness." -Ken Berding

Sojourners and Strangers: The Doctrine of the Church, by Gregg R. Allison (Crossway): For much of our history, Protestants have tended to have an anemic understanding of the church and this book should go a long way in helping us to be more hearty in our conception of who we are as God’s people. -Erik Thoennes

A Theology of Luke and Acts by Darrell Bock (Zondervan): My Luke-Acts interest is coming through with my inclusion of this book. I'm planning to utilize this volume as a course textbook in the coming semester. -Doug Huffman

Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East. Two Vols. by Kenneth Kitchen and Paul Lawrence (Harrassowitz): This is truly a magnum opus by a senior evangelical authority from the University of Liverpool. Although it costs an arm and a leg ($460 for the whole 1,641 pages!), it makes the definitive argument for a Late Bronze Age literary setting of the book of Deuteronomy (1400-1200 BC)—and that’s priceless! -Ken Way

Understanding Biblical Theology: A Comparison of Theory and Practice, by Edward W. Klink III and Darian R. Lockett (Zondervan): A helpful taxonomy for untangling what various authors mean when they describe their work as "biblical theology." -Ken Berding

What Makes Love Last? How to build trust and avoid betrayal, by John Gottman & Nan Silver (Simon and Schuster): A great help for marital counseling, especially in the prevention or aftermath of an affair. -Rex Johnson