The Symphonic Winds embarked on a musical adventure in the spring of 2019 to record at Warner Bros. Studios’ Eastwood Scoring Stage in Burbank. Conducted by Robert Feller, professor and director of Symphonic Winds, the ensemble recorded pieces previously performed in concert. Works included Armenian Dances by Alfred Reed, Danzon No.2 by Arturo Marquez and two compositions by student composer (’19): Into the West and Alaska: The Crest of the Hinterland. 

This recording session was an opportunity for the Symphonic Winds members to experience the rigors of a recording session with top professionals in the film industry. 

“Biola’s proximity to Los Angeles presents unique opportunities for music students to experience world-class professional environments, which is exactly what our students need as many will be seeking careers in the music industry,” said Conservatory Director George Boespflug.

The session involved six hours of actual recording, demanding a high level of concentration from all involved.

“You’ve got to be intense in your focus,” said Feller. “In addition to the actual recording sessions, knowing you will be recording has a direct impact on the intensity of practice and rehearsal. I think the level of musicianship improved as we approached the recording date, especially the last couple of weeks.”

Students were unanimously appreciative of the experience.

“I enjoyed the experience of playing at a professional studio, and being recorded by top-rank professionals,” said trumpet performance major Trevor Johnson (’19). “People who have worked on a bunch of different films and film scores.” 

“I’m really excited,” said flute performance major Alyssa Miller (’19). “This was a great opportunity for everyone in Winds to experience recording in a big studio like Warner Bros.”

The recording will be available in the fall of 2019. To stay informed about the recording’s release, follow The Conservatory , and .