şÚÝ®ĘÓƵ professor Greg Peters will have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary research and discussions as a at the housed at the University of Cambridge’s St. Edmund’s College. In many ways, the institute mirrors the interdisciplinary work that occurs at Biola’s Torrey Honors College, where Peters teaches medieval and spiritual theology.
“The interdisciplinary focus is what originally drew me to the Von Hügel Institute,” said Peters. “My hope is that through this appointment, I can come back to campus and have better-informed discussions with all my students. Because Torrey Honors is interdisciplinary, and I’m mentoring and working with students who are in the sciences, arts, humanities — we are perpetually by design, inhabiting a world of talking to students about the integration of theology with their various fields of study.”
The Von HĂĽgel Institute seeks to undertake interdisciplinary research, using the resources of the Catholic Christian traditions of philosophy, theology and ethics to address global contemporary challenges across many disciplines. The institute demonstrates an interest in thinking critically about a variety of topics geared towards the common good, which can vary from research and discussions on global immigration issues to artificial intelligence.
“I’m interested in the practical aim that I see at Von Hügel,” said Peters. “They do not merely practice scholarship for scholarship’s sake. It’s more of a distillation of scholarship for practical ends. This resonates with me at this point in my career.”
Peters will spend at least eight weeks at the University of Cambridge throughout the 2019-2020 academic year. The appointment will lend the opportunity for Peters to spend the year pursuing his own research projects as well as participate in the intellectual life of the college. He plans to attend lectures across the university, meet with other scholars, and engage in radically different studies and learn from them as a way of practicing interdisciplinary thought.
Peters, author of “” and other books examining monasticism and spiritual theology, will also be writing a short introduction to Thomas à Kempis’ book “The Imitation of Christ” and continuing his work on a monograph which examines the thought of Thomas à Kempis and how his “Imitation of Christ” borrows heavily from the medieval monastic tradition.
“My appointment at St. Edmund’s College will allow me a place where I can think out loud and have space to think about the practical implications of “The Monkhood of All Believers,” said Peters.
Peters’ research at the institute will likely lead to the publication of an upcoming journal article. Simultaneously, he is also conducting archival research of Anglican monastic orders at Pusey House, Oxford. In addition to his role at Biola, Peters is the Servants of Christ Research Professor of Monastic Studies and Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Nashotah, Wisc.
Torrey Honors College, formerly known as Torrey Honors Institute, is Biola’s undergraduate honors program. Founded in 1996, Torrey Honors prioritizes theological education and formation through the reading of great books, group discussions, and one-on-one faculty mentorship. The program provides an alternate path for students of any major to complete most of their core curriculum requirements.
Learn more about Torrey Honors College.
Written by Jenna Loumagne, assistant director of media relations and strategic communications. For more information, contact Jenna at (562) 777-4061 or jenna.loumagne@biola.edu.