The hosted by the (CCCA) was devoted to the artwork and career of retiring art professor of 35 years, Barry Krammes. The symposium titled, “Theatre of the Struggle,” showcased new artwork by Krammes in the Earl and Virginia Green Art Gallery and presentations about his work were given. Colleagues, friends and alumni gathered to celebrate Krammes’ legacy of work during the event.

Krammes has been employed as a professor of visual art at ݮƵ since 1983. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking and drawing from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire and his Master of Fine Arts in two-dimensional studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In addition to his role as a faculty member, Krammes served as the Chair of the Department of Art, Director of the ݮƵ Art Gallery and Program Coordinator for the CCCA.

He is a found object enthusiast who frequents flea markets, dumpsters and estate sales in search of just the right materials for his art. He carefully reconstructs and weds these objects into finished pieces. During the past 17 years he has been using miniature pieces to create diorama-like sculptures similar to theatre sets. These pieces open the doors to a "Theatre of Struggle" where the depravity of the world and the yearning for redemption is displayed. Krammes' work calls viewers to grapple with difficult questions and to ponder the things that matter most.

A special exhibit showcasing Krammes’ art opened on April 24 and will remain open through June 29 in the Art Gallery. During the gallery preview hosted on April 24, Krammes gave a reflection speech that highlighted the miraculous times when the hand of God was evident in his journey.

“And so it goes, this ebb and flow of life. In the days ahead I’ll continue gathering miracles, thanking God for the deep privilege of being a small part of this peculiar place, and in Jesus’ name I’ll press on,” concluded Krammes in his reflection speech at the exhibit opening.

He expressed gratitude for his wonderful Biola colleagues and students. Krammes looks forward to an early retirement and the renewal he will be able to experience.

For more information about the Department of Art, please click here.

Written by Alisa Ohara, media relations intern. For more information, please contact Media Relations at