LA MIRADA, CALIF. — Biola’s Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts launched the third annual this week — an annual curated arts project. The project is a free online daily devotional series celebrating the season of Lent through art and Scripture. This year’s theme is "The Kingdom of Heaven, The Kingdom of God."

The CCCA hopes to help individuals quiet their hearts and enter into a daily routine of worship and reflection during this meaningful season through The Lent Project. Each daily devotion is written by a member of the Biola community including faculty, staff and guest writers.

“The diversity of styles, cultures, and denominations represented creates a full-bodied meditation on the marvelous things that God has done and is doing in the hearts and lives of those who ‘hunger and thirst after righteousness’ and seek him above all else,” writes Chad Miller, Biola’s director of spiritual formation and soul care, in the project’s introduction.  

Drawing from Christianity’s rich historical past of incorporating beauty and art, the CCCA seeks to close the schism of faith and art that arose in the past century with contemporary Christianity. The Lent Project is one effort within this vision.

The creation of The Lent Project was inspired by the overwhelming response Biola’s CCCA received to — an artistic, devotional calendar of similar style running through the season of Advent. The Lent Project starts on Ash Wednesday on February 10 and will continue through Holy Week and Bright Week following Easter.

Participants can sign up to receive the daily devotionals to their email inbox for free or visit the daily for the newest entry.

Written by Jenna Loumagne, media relations specialist. For more information, contact Jenna at 562.777.4061 or