LA MIRADA, CALIF. — Vibrant multi-ethnic ministry leaders, Biola alumni Adam Edgerly and Larry Acosta, will address graduates at Biola’s spring commencement ceremonies. Approximately 640 undergraduate students and 340 graduate students will receive their diplomas May 24, 2013. 

In light of this year’s university theme — From This Place: Proclaiming Good News in a Changing World — President Barry H. Corey selected alumni Adam Edgerly and Larry Acosta to speak, whose respective ministries illustrate the truth that the Good News does not change no matter a person’s background. Edgerly will give the commencement address at the graduate ceremony at 10 a.m. and Acosta will address graduates at the undergraduate ceremony at 7 p.m.

"In keeping with this year's focus on Gospel proclamation, these two men as Commencement speakers represent the conviction of courage of what Biola graduates can offer the world as they go out 'from this place,’” said Biola President Barry H. Corey. “Our pair of winter speakers addressed this theme from a global perspective, and this spring we have two strong urban leaders who embody what it means to proclaim Christ in our local communities."

Edgerly is lead pastor of Newsong Los Angeles Covenant Church, a culturally diverse faith community. Before entering the pastorate, he served the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination as regional director of church planting and community transformation, and as associate director of evangelism and prayer. He is also a corporate consultant and executive coach with the Awaken Group and chief executive officer of Culture Consultants, LLC. He earned his B.A. and M.A. in Intercultural Studies from ݮƵ and his M.B.A. from Emory University.

Acosta is Founder/President of the Urban Youth Workers Institute (UYWI), one of the top urban leadership training organizations in the country, with a combined network of more than 18,000 emerging ethnic leaders in 23 cities. Acosta is also founder of the Hispanic Ministry Center, and with his wife, Jayme, co-founded KidWorks, an organization in Santa Ana that helps at-risk kids, families and communities. He served as a contributing writer for the handbook “Deep Justice in a Broken World” and “Urban Youth Ministry Handbook,” and was editor of SHOUT Magazine. Acosta graduated from both ݮƵ and Talbot School of Theology, and completed his doctoral degree in leadership development at Fuller Theological Seminary.

The graduate ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. and the undergraduate ceremony will take place at 7 p.m. on Metzger Lawn at ݮƵ.

For those not able to attend the graduation in person, there will be a live streaming to watch the graduation online from Biola’s website:

ݮƵ, named one of 19 “up and coming” national universities by U.S. News & World Report three years in a row, is a private Christian university located in Southern California. For more than 100 years, Biola has remained committed to its mission of biblically centered education, integrating biblical principles with every academic program. With a current record-high enrollment of 6,250 students, the university’s six schools offer 145 academic programs, ranging from the B.A. to the Ph.D. For more information, visit