Universities are notorious for ravaging the minds of young Christians, according to professor David Horner, who was interviewed on the Frank Pastore Show on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2011. Pastore asked Horner to discuss his new book, , a guidebook that prepares Christian students for university life.

“I’ve attended both secular and Christian universities and I’m convinced that both can drive you crazy…students go to college and very often they lose their mind, they lose their faith, they lose their character,” said Horner.

Horner almost left his faith during his college years. But after 30 years of experience as a student, professor, and Campus Crusade staff member, Horner knows the risk of implanting ideas in students’ minds without first teaching them to think critically.

“Ideas have consequences. What you believe will determine how you behave and ultimately who you will become,” said Horner.

Though the book is specifically designed for Christian students who want to flourish at a secular university, its subject matter can be useful for everyone. Pastore talked about how crucial Horner’s book is for any thinking individual.

“This is designed to especially help the Christian college student engage the realm of ideas…it’s not just for college students though. It is for all of us,” said Pastore.

David Horner is a Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies and for the M.A. Philosophy program at ݮƵ. He completed his doctorate of philosophy on Thomas Aquinas at Oxford University. Horner also teaches for Biola’s M.A. in Apologetics Program.

Written by Elizabeth Mak, Media Relations Intern. For more information, please contact Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Coordinator, at jenna.l.bartlo@biola.eduor via phone at 562.777.4061.