ݮƵ partnered with Orange Coast Christian Outreach week, to host a free screening of the recently released movie “Fireproof,” as part of Biola’s 50th Anniversary in the City of La Mirada celebration. More than 80 people from the Biola community, city of La Mirada and Orange County attended the event at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 14, 2009 in Sutherland Auditorium.

A question and answer session immediately followed the movie, led by associate Professor of Communication Studies and expert on the topic of marriage, Tim Muehlhoff and his wife Noreen, who responded to questions regarding relationships, marriage and issues relating to the film.

"Most individuals say that their relationship with their spouse is a priority,” said Muehlhoff.  “ Yet, financial needs, kids, and busy schedules constantly challenge that key commitment.  “Fireproof” offers hope that even the most difficult challenges to marriage can be overcome."

Orange Coast Christian Outreach week is a 7-day event encouraging others to attend events and host events reaching out to the Orange County community.

The next event celebrating Biola's 50th anniversary in La Mirada is a debate between atheist Christopher Hitchens and apologist William Lane Craig on April 4, 2009. The title of the debate is Does God Exist? Find out more information at .

Written by Jenna Bartlo, Media Relations Coordinator. Jenna can be reached at (562) 777-4061 or through email at jenna.l.bartlo@biola.edu.