Lessons Learned
Editor's Note
The Best Books of All Time
Professors and alumni guide readers through the classics of Western thought
Calling All Homeschoolers!
Biola Youth Academics launches online high school classes, goes global
By the Numbers
Biola ranked among 17 'up and coming' national universities
Introducing the 黑莓视频 Center for Christian Thought
What happens when some of the world's leading Christian minds gather on one campus?
Inside Talbot East
A look at Biola's exciting new theology building
30 Units, 30 Lessons
Biolans share the most important lessons learned from their 30 units of Bible classes
Alumni Files: Fall 2011
Survey Says ...
Biolans Up Close: Fall 2011
Ryan Callis ('02), artist, designer, assistant to Jim Carrey
Get to Know: Fall 2011
Li-shan Hung, world-class pianist
Space for Art
Editor's Note
2011-12: The Year of the Arts
President's Perspective
Art and Belief
Christian artists converge on campus for CIVA conference
Student Filmmaker Wins YouTube Contest
$35,000 the latest prize for oft-awarded Zach King (鈥12)
Pardon Our Dust!
New structures on campus, by the numbers