, by Scott B. Rae (professor of Christian ethics), Zondervan, July 2016. Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today’s complex postmodern world. Raising 14 key ethical questions on today’s most pressing issues, including abortion, war, sexual ethics, capital punishment and more, Rae guides his readers in making moral choices wisely. Based on the best-selling college and seminary ethics textbook Moral Choices, this book distills nearly two decades of teaching and study into a succinct and user-friendly volume. It is an ideal primer for pastors, students and everyday Christians who desire engagement with the world around them in an intelligent and informed manner.
, by Jonathan A. Anderson (’00, associate professor of art) and William A. Dyrness, IVP Academic, June 2016. The dominant narratives of modern art history tell of a rift between art and “religion” (namely, Christianity) by which the two became adversaries or simply mutually unintelligible to each other. In this new book, Anderson, an art critic, and Dyrness, a theologian, offer a rereading of the history of modern art by paying closer attention to the religious contexts and the theological concerns that shaped its development, which have been largely neglected by scholars and laypeople alike. In the end, they argue that the history is much more theologically interesting than it has yet been given credit for.
, by Walt Russell (professor of Bible exposition), Quoir, May 2016. Sustainable Church offers a thorough, Bible-based ex- position of how the ministry of every church should be organically built around all of the Spirit-gifted fol- lowers of Jesus within that local body. It critiques the shallow pragmatism and unsustainability of non-organic churches, explains how “body discipleship” serves as a key part of the church’s sustainability and corrects the model of discipleship that has been popular for the past few generations. Additionally, it showcases the servant-model of biblical leaders who equip the saints to do the work of ministry on behalf of Jesus, the true Pas- tor/Shepherd of every local church.
, by Josh McDowell (’66, M.Div. ’71) and Sean McDowell (’98, M.A. ’03, assistant professor of Christian apologetics), Shiloh Run Press, February 2016. Today's message of cultural acceptance is dangerously distorted and deceptive. Our world shouts: “If you truly care about other people, you must agree that their beliefs, values, lifestyle and truth claims are equal and as valid as yours!" It’s no wonder our youth are confused. The Beauty of Intolerance cuts through the confusion and points to the place where the only truth resides — Jesus Christ — as the McDowells share how a biblical view of truth can counter cultural tolerance and encourage a love and acceptance of others apart from their actions.
, by John Townsend (Ph.D. ’84), Zondervan, October 2015. We live in a culture that says, “Life should be easy and work well.” This attitude, called entitlement, influences our most important institutions: family, business, church and government. Its devastating effects contribute to relational problems, work ethic issues and emotional struggles. It comes down to this: People are not getting to where they want to go because they don’t know how to do life the hard way. Whether readers are struggling with their own sense of entitlement or dealing with someone who acts entitled, The Entitlement Cure will equip them to turn away from a life of mediocrity to a life of engagement, satisfaction and joy.
, by Henry Cloud (Ph.D. ’88), Harper Business, May 2016. Popular wisdom suggests that we should not allow others to have power over us, but the reality is that they do, for better or for worse. No matter how talented, intelligent or experienced, the greatest leaders share one commonality: the power of the others in their lives. Drawing upon case studies, cutting-edge brain research and examples from his consulting practice, Cloud argues that outstand- ing performance depends on having the right kind of connections to fuel personal growth and minimize toxic associations and their effects. As he describes the impact these different kinds of connections produce, Cloud shows readers how to get more from themselves by drawing on the strength and expertise of others.