, by David Kinnaman (’96), Baker Books, October 2011. More than 60 percent of young people who went to church as teens drop out after high school. Where Kinnaman’s first book, unChristian, showed the world what outsiders aged 16–29 think of Christianity, You Lost Me shows why younger Christians, ages 16–29, are leaving the church and rethinking their faith.

, by Richard Dahlstrom (M.Div. ’84), Baker Books, May 2011. We are called to impact a culture that, for all the rhetoric about hope, is overwhelmingly preoccupied with personal peace, prosperity, protection and survival. Christians should be artists who paint with the colors of hope in a broken world, embodying Christ's redemptive presence in our personal lives, our work and our relationships.

, by David A. Horner (associate professor of philosophy and biblical studies), IVP Academic, August 2011. The university world can be a confusing place, filled with many competing worldviews and perspectives. Horner restores sanity to the collegiate experience with this guide to thinking and flourishing as a Christian. Carefully exploring how ideas work, he gives you tools for thinking contextually, logically and “worldviewishly.”

, by Gary K. G. Choong (Ed.D ’09), foreword by Klaus Issler (professor of Christian education and theology), Wipf and Stock Publishers, June 2011. In Counter-Cultural Paradigmatic Leadership, Choong challenges the reader to consider the mindset, motive and manner of leadership in any Asian setting that is suffused with contemporary practices of paternalistic authority.

, by Jonathan Morrow (M.Div. ’07), Zondervan, October 2011. Think Christianly is about seizing the opportunities we have every day to speak the life Jesus offers into our culture. Tragically, many such opportunities pass us by unclaimed — either because we don’t notice them or we have not prepared ourselves to enter into them. Morrow helps church leaders envision and implement ways for their congregations to “think Christianly” about contemporary questions and to speak in informed, engaging ways. This book will help churches take vital steps toward cultivating compassion and competence in speaking faithfully to a questioning world.

, by Michael Horton (’87), Zondervan, October 2011. Calvinism has been immensely influential for the past 500 years, but it is often encountered negatively as a fatalistic belief system that confines human freedom and renders human action and choice irrelevant. Horton explores the historical roots of Calvinism, walking readers through the distinctives known as the “Five Points,” and encouraging them to consider its rich resources for faith and practice in the 21st century. As a companion to Roger Olson’s Against Calvinism, readers will be able to compare contrasting perspectives and form their own opinions on the merits and weaknesses of Calvinism.

, by Kenneth C. Way (associate professor of Bible exposition), Eisenbrauns, September 2011. In this volume, Kenneth Way explores the role of donkeys in the symbolism and ceremonies of the biblical world. His study stands alone in providing a comprehensive examination of donkeys in ancient Near Eastern texts, the archaeological record, and the Hebrew Bible.