In recent years, Biola’s cinematic output has been prodigious. Here are three new films by Biola students, faculty and alumni that you should know about.
Trade of Innocents: Executive produced by John Schmidt (associate professor of film), Trade of Innocents is a true story starring Mira Sorvino and Dermot Mulroney as a grieving couple who offer sanctuary to young Asian girls sold into sex slavery. Set against the backdrop of the heartbreaking reality of human trafficking in Southeast Asia, and filmed on location in Thailand, Innocents is set to debut in theaters later in 2011. Learn more at .
Five Friends: Co-produced by Ken Stewart (’06, MBA ’09) and edited by Kyle Gilbertson (’09), this documentary explores an under-discussed topic: friendship between men. Beautifully shot, from the mountains of Southern California to the New England coastline, Five Friends captures the intimate relationships of a 65-year-old man and his five friends as they reflect on their lives together, support each other in personal struggles and mine the depths of meaningful friendship. Learn more at .
Persimmon: Filmed in Japan during the 2011 interterm by film professor Dean Yamada and a team of cinema and media arts students, Persimmon is a moving story about life, death and letting go. The short film, featuring Japanese actors and locations, weaves together the beat of a taiko drum, the syllables of a haiku and the riping of a persimmon to poetically reflect the natural rhythms and cycles of life. Learn more at .