My first missions trip and second time out of the country
The word mission is defined as: “an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes.” At the heart of missions is the idea of being blessed to be a blessing to others. God doesn't call the prepared, He prepares the called. With this said, God is now equipping me to venture to Athens, Greece for a missions trip to work with Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghan refugees. As Christ’s hands and feet, my team and I have the opportunity of a lifetime to touch the hearts of the people in need by serving in various camps: helping out with relief, construction, fellowship, and other everyday tasks. My team and I will be partnering with an organization called , who will be assisting us by providing the necessary resources needed to what needs to be done.
While working with OM and local churches, this missions trip will give us the chance to work closely with the families that we will meet. With a heart of service, I am looking forward to being a blessing for these children and families. God has really being doing a lot to get me on this trip and I am oh so grateful that he chose me to be apart of a wonderful team of missionaries to serve with. As said in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go and make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son, and the holy spirit. Go and teach them to observe all I've commanded and I will be with you till the end of the age.”
God has called me to make a difference in a foreign country, namely Greece. I am looking forward to expanding my horizons and using my gifts to make a change in a place that is out of my comfort zone. This trip will be conducted over the course of five weeks spanning from May 26th-July 1st once school gets out. Going to Greece will include a lot of “firsts” for me (as this trip will be the longest I've ever been away from home) so adjustments will need to occur.
Getting involved in SMU
Getting involved in the Student Missionary Union (SMU) has been a great experience for me as a Freshman who began Biola not even a year ago. I've been wanting to go on a missions trip for a very long time and I'm so glad that my first one is through Biola. Getting connected through SMU gives students a chance to be a part of both Global Missions and Local Missions programs. Places that missionaries are being sent this term include Indonesia, North Africa, Uganda, San Francisco, and many more. I am blessed to be on team Greece and I know that God has plans for me to do the most good I can. Eight people, all from different backgrounds, united for one purpose. As Biola’s tagline goes, “We are All as One.” We come together as a united group of Jesus followers to fulfill the calling God has put forth upon us. SMU has given me the privilege to be apart of such a beautiful group of people that are going to do their best to really do some good.
My feelings thus far
Even though I feel somewhat nervous about doing something that I’ve wanted to do for so long, I know that this experience will be so rewarding for me.I was initially overwhelmed with the prospect of being new to missions—and that’s okay. Feelings of nervousness when doing something you’ve never done before can be scary.
Through time, we adapt to the changes, we push through, and we conquer our fear of not being good enough or prepared enough. At first, I didn’t feel ready but then I realized that I don’t get to decide when I am ready, God does. Now, being closer and closer to our departure time, I have shifted towards an attitude of gratefulness and optimism. With a lot of unknowns, I have faith that whatever is put in my path will grow me. So for those scared of and overwhelmed by any unknowns in your life at this very moment in time, know that God puts these mountains in front of you because he knows you’re strong enough to climb them. Going through the process of preparing for my first missions trip has definitely been a monumental blessing over the past two months and I can’t wait to do so much more to fund-raise and equip!
How you can pray for us
- Safety
- Financial Support
- Travel
- Health
- The Refugees
- God’s blessing over the trip
- My Team and I in general
Thank you so much and God bless,