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Sheena Evans

Public Relations and Outreach Coordinator, Women’s Pregnancy Care Clinic of Whittier, California

Journalism, emphasis in Public Relations, B.A. '13

I began at Women’s Pregnancy Care Clinic of Whittier (WPCC) while finishing up my last year at Biola. I wasn’t looking for an internship with them—I initially visited because of my passion for the cause. They happened to be looking for an intern that could help better connect the organization to its supporters. So I started as an Advancement Intern. I helped develop their newsletters, build upon social media efforts and organize quarterly mailings to a supporter base of about 1,700 people.

I am now WPCC’s Public Relations and Outreach Coordinator. My job is to connect WPCC supporters to the cause by maintaining and growing relationships with over 50 churches in the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. I oversee social media efforts, write for newsletters and capture stories for video and speaking events. I enjoy sharing a story that would otherwise be unheard. I am not only a voice for the unborn, I am a voice for the mother who has yet to find hers.