Ryan Lunde

College Pastor
Biblical and Theological Studies, B.A. '14
I came to Biola with ambitions for my own accomplishments. But I left Biola with a heart for people and a desire to see lives changed.
How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?
My program at Biola prepared me for my career by teaching me the tools of studying, comprehending, and teaching the Bible. My time at Biola gave me the foundation I needed to be effective in ministry - whether in a teaching, coaching, or relational capacity. But it also shaped my character. The heart of the professors is for individual and world change. I came to Biola with ambitions for my own accomplishments. But I left Biola with a heart for people and a desire to see lives changed.
What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?
I appreciated the relationships I had with professors and students. These relationships were with those I met in the classroom, off-campus, or the dorm room. These were people who not only motivated me academically but also spiritually. They prayed for me. They were key in shaping me into a person who not only knew what I believed but also grew in my character. Had it not been for the people at Biola I would not have been helpful to Jesus or to others.
How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?
The classes helped me become a responsible student of God's word. The friendships made me a whole person. The spirit and vision of the university gave me vision for life change and world impact. The heart of the professors gave me a patience in my expectations of others.
What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?
Open yourself to all of the opportunities in front of you. Pray often. Do not neglect the people living in the same room as you. Pursue the people on your floor. Do not lose yourself in your studies. Make the most of every moment. Do not lose focus. Have your eyes fixed ahead on the calling Jesus has for you.