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Robert Heckert

Content Writer at Spotify

English, B.A. '17

The program at Biola prepared me to develop a narrative, write long-form content and sustain an argument, edit my work and help others edit theirs, receive and implement feedback, and think critically about texts/arguments.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?
The program at Biola prepared me to develop a narrative, write long-form content and sustain an argument, edit my work and help others edit their's, receive and implement feedback, and think critically about texts/arguments.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?
The English professors are great — they're all highly skilled and spent a lot of time helping students develop their craft. I felt like I knew them on a personal and professional level. Also the student community was incredible.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?
Biola surrounded me with a ton of thoughtful Christians who helped me work through certain doubts I had about my faith. During office hours, the professors gave me the time I needed to share certain issues and modeled how I could work through them.