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Evan Rosa

Assistant Director for Public Engagement at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture

Philosophy, M.A. '15

My experience in the Philosophy program at Talbot established a foundation of scholarship and networking within the academy that still helps me today. The relationships I formed throughout my time, with scholars at Biola and beyond, introduced a wide range of academic projects and possibilities.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?

My experience in the Philosophy program at Talbot established a foundation of scholarship and networking within the academy that still helps me today. The relationships I formed throughout my time, with scholars at Biola and beyond, introduced a wide range of academic projects and possibilities.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?

The relationships. My particular cohort of incoming grad students enjoyed a special and unique kind of relationships that were fostered by our spiritual direction group and our common value for intellectual life together.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?

It challenged me to think hard about my vocation, and the direction God was leading me.

What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?

Form relationships and begin thinking about a professional scholarly network. Talk to people who do what you think you might want to do. Learn from them. They are as important as scholarship, and can often improve your scholarship.