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Edward Scheuerman

Professor & Director of the Intercultural Studies program at Lancaster Bible College

Doctorate in Missiology '07

The breadth of teaching was deeply appreciated. Being part of a cohort helped as we sharpened each others' studies and walk with the Lord.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?

My D.Miss. degree further prepared me for upper levels of leadership with the missions agency I was a part of while on the mission field. It also helped prepare me for my current role of leading the Intercultural Studies program at Lancaster Bible College.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?

I was part of the Chiang Mai Extension Center. I deeply appreciated the professors (especially Dr. Tom Steffen and Dr. Judith Lingenfelter). The fact that they came so regularly meant that we had both continuity and care.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?

The breadth of teaching was deeply appreciated. Being part of a cohort (sort of) helped as we sharpened each others' studies and walk with the Lord.

What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?

Pray carefully about what you want to do with your degree. This will help to guide you in choosing the best degree option.


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