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Benjamin Sosa

Campus Pastor

Biblical Ministries, B.S. '16

My program at Biola prepared me to think biblically and critically about the world around me. Biola offered me understanding and preparation that equipped me for the mechanics of church ministry, from a church's functions and systems down to the personal ministry.

How did your program at Biola prepare you for your career?
My program at Biola prepared me to think biblically and critically about the world around me. Biola offered me understanding and preparation that equipped me for the mechanics of church ministry, from a church's functions and systems down to the personal ministry.

What did you appreciate most about your time at Biola?
I appreciated the laughs, the personable professors that were always willing to pray with you and served as an encouragement for what was to come.

How did Biola equip you to be a more faithful follower of Jesus Christ?
Biola helped me realize the importance of the church community through the emphases that Biola had during my time called Sacred Spaces. Through that chapel theme, I learned why church community was so important, in a time of my life where I didn't really want to plug-in. Now I work full-time for ministry.

What advice would you give to students considering your degree program?
Be faithful and adaptable, both in the classroom and in vocational ministry. The things you'll learn in the program will be like a tool chest with hundreds of tools. You may not use every tool, but everything that you'll learn will be applicable in one way or another because every congregation is different. You'll know how to approach your church's needs and help it be a place for sustainable growth.